درباره hypnosis2019
این نویسنده هنوز اطلاعاتی درباره خود ثبت نکرده است. hypnosis2019 تا کنون 79 مطلب مفید در سایت ثبت کرده است.
مطالب توسط hypnosis2019
The Effectiveness of Group Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotism on Mental Health of Women with Breast Cancer Owner:Dr Purasghar, Iran
11.Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotism on cancer
The Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy to Increase Self-esteem of Patients Treated with Methadone Owner:Dr Purasghar, Iran
9. Hypnotherapy Self-esteem
The Effectiveness of hypnotherapy to Increase Public Self-esteem of Patients Treated with Methadone Owner:Dr Purasghar, Iran
8. hypnotherapy Public Self-esteem
How Can Hypnodontics Manage Severe Gag Reflex for Root Canal Therapy ? A Case Report Owner: Dr Mohsen Ramazani , Iran
10531-Article Text-45161-1-10-20160417
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The Asian Society for Hypnosis is the Asian headquarters for researchers and clinicians interested in hypnosis. ASH serves as the umbrella and meeting place for its members and Constituent Societies from around the asia.
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Tel: +98 (51) 38553427
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